All sessions must be cancelled/rearranged with no later than 24 hours notice. To cancel or rearrange a session, please use the link provided on your booking confirmation and we will always try to assist and find a solution. All purchases are non-refundable and refunds will be in the forms of vouchers only. If a session is cancelled within 24 hours of the start time, no refunds will be eligible.
Please understand and be aware that in Florida, afternoon thunderstorms throughout the Summer months are a common occurrence. I will try to notify as early as possible if a session will need to be rescheduled due to a lightening threat. The latest that this will be done is 90 minutes before the session start as the safety of the players are the upmost priority.
Should weather affect my ability to deliver the full hour of any session type, but 30 minutes of the session has already been delivered, the session will be considered complete. If less than 30 minutes is completed then you will be able to reschedule the session for future use. By booking you also grant permission for us to use images of the player in attendance, on our social media channels and website.